One of the most fundamental
things that defines your character on JediMUD is his or her class.
Your character’s class defines their profession, which in turn defines
the skills available to you. Depending on how you like to play, there’s
surely a class that fits your needs. Descriptions of each class, as
well as a list of the skills each one gets, can be found in this section
of the official JediMUD homepage.
The cleric is a member of a religious order,
but he is no mere priest. While he may not have as much fighting
skill as warriors and their ilk, he is far from a noncombatant.
The clerics of JediMUD, however, adhere to a strict religious belief
that forbids them from wielding edged weapons such as swords. Most
of the cleric’s power lies in his faith in his deity, who grants
him spells which do everything from healing his allies to smiting
down his foes with holy flames. The primary statistic for a cleric
is WISDOM. Having a high wisdom will help to increase the effectiveness
of his spells. Having a high STRENGTH and CONSTITUTION are also
definite plusses for a cleric. A cleric can be of any alignment.
Like all classes, the cleric can increase his skills by using the
PRACTICE command.
The mage devotes his entire life to the study
of magic in all of its forms. Mages receive their magical skills
from books and scrolls, not from a deity, so they cannot cast many
spells that a cleric can. A mage is a poor combatant, being restricted
to the most basic weapons and armor. His spells, however, are a
force to be reckoned with. The most destructive spells available
to player characters on JediMUD are only available to those who
choose to play a mage. The primary statistic for a mage is INTELLIGENCE.
Having a high intelligence will help to increase the effectiveness
of his spells. A high CHARISMA and WISDOM are also useful to a mage.
A mage can be of any alignment. Like all classes, the mage can increase
his skills by using the PRACTICE command.
The thief devotes his life to the art of
stealth. He isn’t much of a combatant, but he has special skills,
which make him absolutely deadly in the right situation. The ability
to strike an opponent from behind is a skill unique to the thief
class, as is the ability to open locks without a key. A good portion
of the thief’s skills are geared towards either not being seen,
or getting away quickly once he is seen. Thieves are restricted
in their use of armor, and can only strike an opponent from behind
with a dagger or other piercing weapon. The thief’s primary statistic
is DEXTERITY. Having a high dexterity will help to increase the
effectiveness of some thief skills. Having a high STRENGTH and CONSTITUTION
is also a bonus for a thief. A thief can be of any alignment. Like
all classes, the thief can increase his skills by using the PRACTICE
The warrior is a fighting machine, pure and
simple. He is well trained in the arts of war, making him a formidable
opponent a combat situation. The warrior’s fighting prowess is completely
unmatched by any other class on JediMUD However, they completely
lack the innate ability to use magic, and so are forced to rely
on other sources, such as potions, wands, and other adventurers
that they may meet in their travels. A warrior can be of any alignment.
The primary statistic for a warrior is STRENGTH. Having a high strength
will increase the effectiveness of the warrior in hand to hand combat.
However, having a high DEXTERITY and a high CONSTITUTION is also
a bonus for a warrior character.
A paladin is a holy warrior, a crusader for
the cause of good. He relies more on his own power to do good than
he does that of his deity. The paladin does not have the sheer combat
power of the pure warrior class; however, he has access to protection
and powerful healing spells that can be used on himself or others,
in order to further his cause. The paladin does not have access
to spells that deal direct damage to his opponents. Since the paladin
follows a righteous and lawful deity, he must have an alignment
of over 350 in order to cast any of the spells in his repertoire.
The paladin has two prime statistics, STRENGTH and WISDOM. His fighting
skills will benefit from a high strength, and his spells will be
more effective with a high wisdom. A high CONSTITUTION is also highly
beneficial to a paladin. The paladin MUST be of good alignment.
Like all classes, the paladin can increase his skills by using the
PRACTICE command.
The antipaladin is a holy warrior, but he
is a crusader for the cause of evil. He relies more on his own power
to further his evil cause than he does that of his deity. The antipaladin
does not have the sheer combat power of the warrior, but he can
cast spells to aid himself and his group. Most of his spells are
offensive, dealing direct damage to his opponents, but he also has
protection and minor healing spells. Since the antipaladin follows
an evil deity, he must have an alignment of under –350 in order
to cast any spells. The antipaladin has two prime statistics, STRENGTH
and WISDOM. His fighting skills will benefit from a high strength,
and his spells will be more effective with a high wisdom. A high
CONSTITUTION is also highly beneficial to an antipaladin. The antipaladin
MUST be of evil alignment. Like all classes, the antipaladin can
increase his skills by using the PRACTICE command.
The sohei is a warrior-monk of Eastern mythos,
a member of a militant order of religious soldiers whose purpose
is to defend large monasteries from attack, or advance its interests
in the outer world. They are less effective in combat than a warrior,
but they have the added benefit of their mystical powers. Sohei
are limited to those spells which make them more effective in combat.
The primary statistics for a sohei vary with how you choose to play
your character. Some skills are enhanced by a high DEXTERITY, while
others may be enhanced by a high WISDOM score. A high CONSTITUTION
is always a good thing to have. A sohei can be of any alignment.
Like all classes, the sohei can increase his skills by using the
PRACTICE command.
The ninja is a member of a mysterious secret
society dedicated to covert operations such as espionage and assassination.
The ninja’s reputation is one shrouded in mystery, and their abilities
seem almost magical to the average person. Ninja are stealthy like
thieves, with some of their skills being dedicated to being practically
invisible. However, the ninja is a much better fighter. His martial
arts training gives the ninja a wider array of combat skills, such
as the ability to disarm a monster, or prevent it from bodyslamming
the group. The ninja’s prime statistic is DEXTERITY. A high dexterity
will enhance the effectiveness of the ninja’s combat skills. A high
STRENGTH and CONSTITUTION are also beneficial to a ninja. A ninja
can be of any alignment. Like all classes, the ninja can increase
his skills by using the PRACTICE command.
A Jedi is a member of an elite, but diverse,
order which spans the galaxy over. The Jedi believe in an all-encompassing
energy field called the Force, which they have learned to utilize
for their "magical" powers. Jedi training is rigorous
and rigid, designed to discourage transgressions and reward great
discipline, for a Jedi who fails his training and is tempted to
quick power by the Dark Side of the Force is dangerous indeed. Besides
being trained in the usage of the Force, Jedi are also given extensive
combat training. Since the Force is a demanding master, and permits
no man to be ‘in the middle’, a Jedi cannot have an alignment of
between 349 and –349. A Jedi has three prime statistics: STRENGTH,
INTELLIGENCE, and WISDOM. A light Jedi’s healing spells will benefit
greatly from his wisdom, and a dark Jedi’s damage effects will similarly
be enhanced by a high intelligence. Both types of Jedi benefit in
their combat skills from a high strength. A Jedi can be of either
good or evil alignment, and will have a different choice of spells
available based on this choice. It is difficult for a Jedi to change
alignment after level 8, so choose your allegiance early! Like all
classes, the Jedi can increase his skills by using the PRACTICE
The ranger is a remort-only class. You cannot
choose to be a ranger for your first character, but must achieve
immortality and choose to be reborn as one. The ranger is adept
at woodlore and wilderness survival, being able to forage his own
food and water and travel long distances while tracking down his
quarry. His animal friends are constant companions, helping him
along on his journey through the world.
Through his attunement with Nature, the ranger
has learned certain magical spells that will help him to survive
in the wilds, such as minor healing spells, as well as skills such
as camouflage. In addition, the ranger has at his disposal a wide
array of combat skills. The two primary statistics for a ranger
are DEXTERITY and CHARISMA. A high dexterity score enhances the
ranger’s combat skills, and the number of animal companions a ranger
can have is governed by his charisma. The ranger can be of any alignment.
Unlike most classes, the rangers do not have a guild system within
the town. However, there are several wise veteran rangers to be
found wandering through the wilds of the world for you to learn
from, using the PRACTICE command.
The bard is a remort only class. You cannot
choose to be a bard for your first character, but must achieve immortality
and choose to be reborn as one. The bard is a charming rogue, a
wandering musician with a quicksilver tongue and a reputation for
being quite adept at escaping just before his welcome is worn out.
The bard isn’t as well suited to combat as some other classes, his
background making him a better diplomat or negotiator than a fighter.
However, through his great charisma, the bard is able to influence
people to do things the way he thinks they should be done. Through
his travels, the bard learns a great deal about lore and legends,
and can probably tell you something about just about anything. Bards
must obtain instruments from the Bardic Colleges in order to sing
any songs. The primary statistic for a bard is CHARISMA. A high
charisma score will enhance the effectiveness of the bard’s songs.
A bard can be of any alignment. Like all classes, the bard can increase
his skills by using the PRACTICE command